Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Biker Gang" and Alexian Lien

The recent incident involving the "Hollywod Stuntz" motorcycle crew and Alexian Lien has made major news over the past few weeks. Many articles have jumped to blame the "biker gang" and to defend Lien. However, it is totally necessary that both parties are blamed. This "gang" (which, according to the article is not your typical leather vest biker gang) was clearly disrupting traffic, speeding, possibly inciting rage, and of course, beating the New York man, all of which are against the law. However, Lien should have expected what happened to him considering the way he acted towards the motorcycle street riders. By picking a fight with this Stuntz crew, who are obviously people who don't mind breaking the law, he was certainly playing with fire. When he lost his temper and sped over one of the riders, he certainly could not expect that the bikers would just disappear trouble free. Both parties are responsible for the damages done, so both should be held accountable legally. This is a good reminder for us about how we should drive and respond to other people on the road. Causing problems can only lead to more problems, and reacting poorly to people causing problems will only make problems worse.

1 comment:

  1. This may indeed be one of those "we are a nation of laws, and must act as such" moments. That is to say, many people sympathize with the man who was attacked, because they feel he should not have been placed in this situation. Similarly, the other bikers should not have had to see their friend run over. But the law often does not make exceptions to laws regarding attacking other people in most circumstances. So here it may be necessary to stand up for the higher principle of law and order, of defending rules against quick, emotional reactions.
